Friday, 17 December 2010


pages from little 8 page cd inlay book that iv finally nearly finished to accompany a cd and maybe a short video for the artist 'bearcat'
myspace( and track coming soon

everythings gone a bit monochrome recently
ooh gothic

Thursday, 2 December 2010


kinda feel like this little beauty right now

this project is proving harder by the day

sketchbook pages.
ideas for the book im making

trying to keep everything juggling isnt working

Friday, 26 November 2010

apparantly the ipad is taking over the artworld

last poster... all done for now

sob. maybe i should get on with my uni work now

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

fake beauty

fake society issue of' arts london news'. poster focuses on vanity and unnnatural enhancements

essex girl ,body builder, tattoed man all mixed up and testtubed.
font doesnt work but its already been published before i could change it .... il change it for folio though

catch one at any of the 14 ual sites. limited time only

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Monday, 8 November 2010

looking at my old stuff i must have been on an extended acid trip for most of last year


second poster for 'arts london news'
. promoting the student protest that will be taking place this wednesday in Trafalgar square.

not sure drawing both elements separately worked so well but theyre happy with it.

i dont like the colours though.ohno

drawing buildings is new to me

* damn i should have drawn it after it happened. that would have been much more fun

Thursday, 4 November 2010

and it made the cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 1 November 2010


Now illustrating for 'arts london news' their student paper's promotional posters . reasons for which are still unclear

osbourne and lord brown as criminals. political illustration is new to me so i think i pulled this one off.

catch it in any of the 14 UAL sites if you can.........

next one is on student riots.

Friday, 15 October 2010

i just realised i havent put this up yet. im trying to collect all the work iv down outside of uni so i have a record . Im credited as art director for this article for Ribbed magazine

(though they spelt my middle name wrong)

the drawings in the article are done by my beautiful talented 3rd year classmates

go see for yourself


i drew this on the train because right now i just feel like a massive one in like everything i draw or do

plus i was listening to xray spex at the time. this may have influenced it abit

no cats were harmed in the making of this picture

i found a postcard of a cat in a cowboy hat and i couldn't resist.

i heart kitsch

another owl.

another owl. another tree .starting to incorporate pattern. something simple to start off with .
triangles are good . triangles have mystical connotations. right?

plus trop de photoshop??? i think so

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


oh god i've turned into one of those people who just draw birds all the time. its all gonna come together though. i hope .youl just have to wait and see....

Friday, 1 October 2010

witchcraft artifacts for my enchanted forest.

its going to be big and 3d and amazing. hopefully

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

so i went to the skin exhibition and wanted to draw beautiful leonardo type anatomical drawings . then realised i couldnt draw from life so amped up my biro scribbles on photoshop instead

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

i havent drawn this realisticaly in ages. i like it



feminist ranting. apparantly it degrades women to eat sushi off them, as the japanese have been doing for thousands of years cos british men just use it as an excuse to feel them up . who knew?

Who you calling a biatch?


Work for Twenteen Magazine. drawing over a twenteen photoshoot to the theme of 'taboo'
at the time of writing intended for a double page spread.

my first paid commision.
when i get my cheque i will buy a beautiful pair of shoes so i can look at my feet and think my illustration skillz got me these .

Friday, 21 May 2010

self portrait for exhibition. from a disposable of me dancing on the bar. as you do. may still need editing.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

screen prints with paint over for that modern egyptian tomb type feeling. its meant to look faded and random yeah...

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

here are some digital cosmic type banner ideas. god bless photoshop. if i get given a budget i think il get them printed digitaly. a decent big sized banner is at least 20 pound and id need at least 2. allow

Thursday, 15 April 2010

pin up

Saturday, 10 April 2010


images on my computer from my egyptians on esctasy project.. i hated it at the time. now i kinda like the chaos. im not sure graham was impressed by my screen print abilities though

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

so my new self defined project coincided with the opportunity to provide illustrations for one of the ' neon skullz ' club nights , 'egyptians on ecstasy'. i will be providing wall and hanging decorations , artifacts and poster designs as well as maybe creating masks and head pieces. big project MUST WORK HARD.

starting with drawings......done from initial research day at british museum

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

When interning at the visual merchandising company PLANarama summer 2009,
I was asked to revitalise a failed pitch for Schuh's Christmas windows . i came up with the idea of robins drawn in a classic tatoo swallow style with banners and ilustrated holly and misletoe.

When they won the pitch they altered some factors such as adding stars and changing the font but kept my initial drawings and used the same materials as i used on the mock up such as neon glitter and black and white trompe d'olei wood effect trees .

stumbling across it at 4 in the morning on oxford street.... best moment of my life