Tuesday, 23 February 2010

When interning at the visual merchandising company PLANarama summer 2009,
I was asked to revitalise a failed pitch for Schuh's Christmas windows . i came up with the idea of robins drawn in a classic tatoo swallow style with banners and ilustrated holly and misletoe.

When they won the pitch they altered some factors such as adding stars and changing the font but kept my initial drawings and used the same materials as i used on the mock up such as neon glitter and black and white trompe d'olei wood effect trees .

stumbling across it at 4 in the morning on oxford street.... best moment of my life

scarf designs . done on photoshop

my sexy sexy red fox. i love her more than chicken.

josh n mark


when i wake in the night and cant back to sleep i draw from my disposable camera photos