Sunday, 30 October 2011

I'm also putting one or two pictures in this exhibition in hackney on november 3rd. apparantly the curator was searching the theme 'conspiracy theories 'on the saatchi website and I came up.excellent

I'm so glad my vigilant citzan obsession has not gone to waste

Sunday, 18 September 2011

i got asked to take part in a 3months exhibition at a pop up gallery in Old st London.I should hopefully also be interning there from October

Going to have a few pictures up. would love it if you could all come support me at the private view on the 22nd . There will be live graffiti and free drinks .plus i will tell you stories and sing for you


disclaimer. the gallery exists for 3 months. my exhibition was 2 weeks. douche right ere

Monday, 15 August 2011

illustrating for UCLs student paper right now among other exciting things that are taking a while to come to frutition. here's my first ( hopefully of many) image for them

it changed from the original brief ,so i had to blank out the writing for the final image

sensationalist and crude much? i should get a job working for the daily mail

Saturday, 23 July 2011

the medication is wearing off

Ive been listening to eels a bit too much for my sanity

Monday, 18 July 2011

i also drew lady gaga for a competition i discovered only 12 hours before deadline so this is a bit rushed and i had every technical nightmare imaginable. silly liz

i also made some pretty patterns. really been stretching myself mentally as you can see

i drew satan

i need a job

Friday, 17 June 2011

oh and i have a website

still needs a good heading and maybe handwritten contact details but i thought id share it here so i can get some feedback. all criticisms will be useful . be as harsh or nice as you like x
the monsters inside

Thursday, 16 June 2011

and the more well known singer. mr patrick wolf. subject of a teen obsession

for now here are some recent portraits for my zine/book/series 'broken beautiful boys' (think i need a title change)
the little known singer 'perfume genius'

i never fail to astound myself. i havent posted any of my final major project yet even though i handed it in a month ago

book and zine pages and scarf designs to follow...

Monday, 4 April 2011

some moustaches. also for ology magazine.

these are going to feature on random pages throughout with speech bubbles telling the reader a fun fact.

i do love these bizzare briefs

illustration for ology magazine

Monday, 21 February 2011